´´Video Game Powers´´

It All Started Today My Friend Gave Me This Game Thru The Mail Since He Lives Far Away I Open There Was A Note Dear Zack, I Need YOU TO PLAY THIS GAME Its Been Haunting Me For A Month Only Way Is To Get Me Out !!!!! Please Help! I Call My Friend Jaime He Was The One That Sent Me The Mail About The Note And Game I Call Him Before I Open The Big Box When He Answer He Said YOUR NEXT IN THE LIST!!!!! I Knew It Was Probaly My Friend Jaime Pranking Me But He Call Me Answer The Phone Again This Time It Wasent The Voice When i Call First Time This Time It Was Actually Jaime He Said Dude Help Me Im Really Scared!!!!!! I Said Tell Me What Is It The Game Console Hurry Play It it Will Destroy This Mons..... After He Stop Speaking Knife Went Stab He Sounded Like Sombody Died Before He End The Call He Said Nothing..... Later That Night Like Around 12:00 PM The Box Wasent Open Soo I Started Playing The Wii Then I Figure Out It Was Glitching A Littile I Try My Best To Say In My Head Its Ok...... Then I Was Playing SuperMarioBrothers 2 After That I Reconize For A Minute Marios Eyes Were Red But I Was Probaly Images In My Brain In World 1 There Was Lava Dead Animals Then I Turn Off The Wii Then I Went To Open The Box My Friend Jaime Gave Me And When It Was Xbox 360 But There Was A Part Of The Xbox Was Wrong It Was Moded Saying In A Note HOPE YOU ENJOY YOUR DEATH!!!!!!! Ok It Was A Littile Freaky I Was Scared There Was Another Note Saying Hi Any Game You Play Counts As 1 To 5 Haunting Point Would You Like To Play I Said No!!!! Now I Decide To Head For The Night Next Morning I Wake Up I Reconize My Xbox My Friend Gave Me Was All Set Up I Was Scared i Ask My Mom She Said No ask my brother no ask my dad no So My Friend Gave Me Call Of Duty 3 Play It There Was A Thing Saying U Have Earn 5 Haunting Points Ok I Ingore For A Min The Call Of Duty Wasent Working Then I Try Sonic I Hear Terror Laughs 5 More I Knew I HAD 10 Now Turn Off The Xbox Then The Xbox Meesage For Someone Said WHY STOP PLAYING (: Then I Got A Voice Message With A Large Screaming Voice Said Turn Around Turn Around And I Saw My Friend Jaime Dead Cover In Blood I Started Crying Then I Said STOP THIS!!!! Then I Play 2 MORE Games Said 5555 Your Dead And Then This Happening Right Now Goodbye Everyone Nobody Can Save Me Best Of luck,June 28,2013 -From Jack P.S Hope My Life Would Be More Sad Like Those.